Mac vs PC Hardware for graphic and web design

I was  just answering a post  for a fellow about what type of hardware he might be purchasing in the near future.    I feel I have a very  good technical perspective on the subject since I have used both platforms as a power user  and  still utilize both. The Quick Answer To get to th
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Painting exploration

I started on a process to create a look and feel for my wife’s media.   So, I am on a path exploring  abstract ideas including whimisical things like , butterflys, paisleys and peace signs.  Not sure I would call a cross whimsical however that  was another request.  Overtime it
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Houston Artist produces digital paintings

I call myself an artist, so I have to put the pen on the paper, right?   So,  I’ve been putting the electronic drawing pad to work.  Here are a few of the items I have been working on as of late.   Most are color studies and concept development. Tree – Testing light Butter
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